Internal medicine is one of the most crucial medical specialities for diagnosing and treating internal illnesses. Internal medicine professionals, sometimes known as internists, treat the patient as a whole and focus on specific organs separately. All the specialists get medical and surgical training, giving them high-quality remedies for a wide range of internal illnesses. The best internal medicine doctor in Patna uses extensive research to link the symptomatology of various organ systems. The department comprises skilled internal medicine doctors equipped to give each patient a balanced and fair treatment. We aim to employ the hospital’s cutting-edge diagnostic facilities to create customised treatment plans and therapies that ensure a comfortable recovery
When to visit the best internal medicine doctor in Patna?
Internal medicine physicians can assist you in developing a wellness plan, analysing your health through routine medical checks, and diagnosing and treating various disorders ranging from the typical cold to more severe health issues. Internists help you maintain excellent health and respond to potential concerns by taking a holistic approach.
You should see an internist for:
- Diabetes Treatment
- Heart Disease
- Hypertension Treatment
- Obesity Treatment
- Chest Pain
- Abdominal Pain
- Lung Disease Treatment
- Thyroid Disease
Our experts’ integrated interdisciplinary approach guarantees that each patient receives a treatment plan applied to the individual’s needs. They have a better probability of recovering and experiencing less time.
We assure your hospital stay to be significantly more pleasant. Asian Patna’s internists exhibit our commitment to putting the patient and their well-being first.
Services Offered by Best Internal Medicine Doctor in Patna
The department is well-equipped to handle a variety of illnesses. Internists at the hospital assist patients with everything from acute conditions like septicemia and multi-organ dysfunction syndrome to the common cold by referring them to specialists.
Some of the most common referrals and complications treated by internists relate with:
- Uncontrollable Diabetes
- Hypertension Treatment
- Infectious Diseases
- Haematology Tests
- Endocrine and Thyroid Diagnosis and Treatment
- Asthma and Respiratory Diseases
- Gastrointestinal Diseases
- Rheumatology Disease
- Anaemia
- HIV Counselling
The department’s internists are well trained in various sub-specialities, including cardiology, cancer, and immunology, providing them to serve the centres mentioned above. Every patient under our care receives an adequate possible treatment because of cross-disciplinary training and a thorough grasp of the human body.
We aspire to provide a wide range of primary care to sub-speciality care with the engagement of several super specialised team members and numerous Internal Medicine related clinical services with an inquisitive scholarly approach to clinical problem-solving.
Invasive Procedures
Internists can execute the following invasive procedures with the certainty of safety and quality due to a wide variety of specialisations:
- Ascitic Fluid Aspiration
- Bone Marrow Aspiration
- Bone Marrow Biopsies
- Intra-Articular Injections
- Pleural Fluid Aspiration
- Other Organs’ Biopsies
- Skin Biopsies
Our internists are qualified to undertake these procedures. They have a broad understanding of the human body’s internal workings, which allows them to assess the most beneficial treatment plans for the patients. Our qualified medical professionals are equipped with the necessary skills to carry out individual treatment plans.
You’ll get state-of-the-art internal medicine care at Asian Patna Hospital, as well as guaranteed therapeutic outcomes!
Why choose our best internal medicine doctor in Patna?
Our internists concentrate on discovering the cause of any health concern and the most effective treatment strategy to resolve the problem. The Department of Internal Medicine continues to prioritise patient care and comfort throughout this time.
The doctors are aware of the fears and apprehensions associated with medical and surgical intervention; hence they work hard to relieve any uneasiness or discomfort that a patient may have while being in the hospital.
Internal medicine specialists at AIMS Patna ensure that you receive the following advantages:
- Precise Diagnosis
- Alternatives for High-Quality Treatment
- Productive and Useful Solutions
- Patient Care Standards the Best in the Region
- Interdisciplinary Approaches
- Consultations on a Variety of Topics
- State-of-the-Art Facilities
- Comfortable and Convenient Post-op Recovery Rooms
Our specialists make every effort to ensure that each patient has the best possible chance of recovery. By fostering multiple specialisations under one roof, the hospital also exhibits a truly inter-speciality and approach viable.
Our doctors always attempt to provide you with the most comprehensive approach possible, addressing the source rather than just the symptoms through a well-rounded consultation followed by thoughtful prescriptions and result-oriented treatments.
Book a consultation from the best doctor in Patna for relief from any internal problems!